1. SK: New WR P&Y muley non-typ = 303 0/8!!
> Dennis Bennett’s enormous SK buck has a 5×5 typical frame with 15 abnormal points on each side with a gross score of 303 0/8…. With a final score of 291 1/8″, Dennis’s buck was confirmed as the new P&Y non-typical World Record mule deer.
> …got to within 44 yards when the big non-typical was startled by another smaller buck bedded close by. …not ready for a shot and watched as the bucks bounded away.
> …returned later in the afternoon, giving the buck time to settle down…. The stalk was close to 300 yards, and the wind had changed which allowed Dennis to follow the fenceline along the top of the hill and get within 37 yards… The shot was on a steep angle, and the arrow hit a bit high. The deer dropped in its tracks and rolled down the hill about 50 yards.
Great stalk and great job Dennis, wow!
2. LA: Super blood wolf moon >> super double-drop buck.
> Mon, Jan. 21 a rare phenomenon took place…a Super Blood Wolf Moon…. Shannon Harper probably wasn’t thinking about wolves when he marked his calendar to be on his deer stand 2 days prior….
> “Trailcam photos had been showing this buck coming out right after dark, but I knew that as the full moon approached, his visit to my food plot would be earlier each evening. This is why my calendar had the few days prior to Monday circled…felt my best chance at him would be just before the full moon.
> “When he turned broadside to me, I put the scope on my .35 Whelen on his shoulder, hit the trigger and he dropped.
> The deer was a mainframe 10-point with 2 drop tines and 2 small kickers. The inside spread was 18″…scored as a 14-point measuring 161 1/8″.
3. LA: BASS pro Caleb Sumrall sticks a nice buck.
Bassmaster Elite Series pro, killed that 215-lber (around 125 B&C) with 1 shot:
> “I called him out of the woods, with a little grunt, right after daybreak. It came flying out of the thicket. I had to get his attention one more time. It came flying right to me. I shot him at about 45 yards” with the Carbon Express Maxima arrow released from his BowTech Sanity bow….
> The 31-year-old outdoorsman’s deer hunting season was compressed into a few short months because of his other passion, bass fishing, a sport that he has made his career.
4. WY: Possible regs for shed hunting?
> Two bills are currently moving through the legislature that would give the WY Game and Fish Department more flexibility to manage the collecting of antlers….
> “We get people on both sides. On easier winters, some people want us to open the season earlier and then on harder winters, sometimes it would be nice to keep the antler season closed a little longer into May to prevent further stress on those big game animals.”
> Antler collecting has become more popular in WY since neighboring states began regulating the practice more strictly…people can also sell the brown elk antlers for as much as $13 a lb.
5. OK: Deer-blasters bagged 100K whitetails this season.
> For the second year in a row, OK deer hunters hit 6 digits with their harvest…. OK’s deer herd is in great shape and history says it’s ready to produce for seasons to come.
> Deer hunting in OK has flown under the national radar. The crazy number of really big bucks harvested last season brought overdue notoriety to the state, but local hunters have been very aware of how good the hunting has been for the last 20 years.
> We have had several years of good habitat conditions. Deer have had plenty to eat and plenty of places to hide. It would be easy to think if drought occurred and habitat conditions offered hunters an advantage, we could see a harvest that exceeded 120,000 in the next few years.
6. MO: Nearly 300K deer taken!!
> …more deer than were taken in the 2017-2018 season (284,477 whitetails) but below the record 313,254 deer killed in 2012-2013.
> Of this season’s tally, 136,776 deer were antlered bucks, 30,116 were button bucks and 123,447 were does.
> Preliminary data from MDC showed that hunters checked 54,447 deer during the archery season.