Last-second shot puts ‘Brushpile’ down!
We love us a good cactus buck! These freak-antlered bucks usually happen from abnormal testosterone. This beast, a 30-pointer [!!] named “Brushpile,” was shot by Jack Seppala at the Land Between the Lakes Natl. Rec area, a 170k-acre public hunting area nestled between Kentucky Lake and Lake Barkley, in KY/TN. A ton of land, but it attracts a whole lotta hunters so….
After seeing Brushpile on a trailcam, Jack was ready for the 2-day Nov quota gun hunt. On the 2nd day, he and his cousin Dwight split up and headed out — Buckmasters with the story:
> “It was interesting to say the least. Everywhere I went, there was someone shining a flashlight at me. I just walked and walked until I didn’t see lights anymore.
> “…a lot of shots fired around me [yikes!], so someone was seeing deer. The tags were either-sex, so people might have been meat-hunting on the last day.
> “About an hour before dark, the temperature started to drop. Pretty soon, I was shivering and thinking about getting down when I heard deer coming. I looked up and saw a doe coming about 80 or 90 yards away, and right behind her was the Brushpile buck. I thought I was shivering before, but now I was really REALLY shaking.
> “He was still in velvet and had all that crazy stuff going on. I was excited, but I still managed to get the gun up, put the crosshairs on him and squeeze the trigger.”
Brushpile BTR’d at 205! Congrats on the dream deer Jack!
Hunter passed up this buck for 3 years and…
NICE one! Blake Ramer shot it in Clay County, GA, and it wasn’t the only one he got either — because he let ’em grow. GA Outdoor News tells it:
> …killed 2 nice bucks with his bow from the same stand during Nov 2019. This one grosses 163 5/8″ non-typical and nets around 150.
> “…I have let both bucks walk for the past 3 years waiting until they get to their full potential.”
Love to hear that!
Freak alert: triple-beamed IA buck!
Check that triple-beamed IA buck! Shot by Midwest Whitetail pro-staffer Ryan Graden, named him “Beamer” for obvious reasons:
> I had seen the buck earlier that morning while in a nearby stand. The wind direction had changed, so I made a move to another stand hoping that he’d still be cruising the area that evening.
> He came down an old logging road bordering a CRP field. Most likely checking scrapes. I took a broadside shot at 15 yards. Had a complete passthrough and he expired within 50 yards.
Seems pretty cut ‘n dried, always a good thing!
New whitetail tech for the fall.
High tech’s here to stay in deer hunting, and I bet we all use some form of it — trailcams, scent elimination or even 4-wheelers. With that in mind, Petersen’s Hunting looked at some of the most cutting-edge tech we might be using this fall — none of it is cheap:
> … Blaser’s R8 Ultimate rifle system is the most technologically advanced rifle/scope combo ever produced. Perhaps most notably, the Blaser, with its straight-pull bolt design, is likely the fastest bolt-action rifle ever made. You can fire various calibers just by swapping out a modular barrel and corresponding bolt, making the system incredibly versatile.
> …sitting motionless on a cold deer stand, hunters need bulky insulation to trap heat and stay warm. The problem with this is that such clothing makes it tough to draw a bow. Pnuma — pronounced “new-MA” — has solved this by incorporating electronically heated carbon-fiber elements at critical places in its lightweight, base-layer-like vest. …3 levels of heat that last from 2 to 6 hours on one rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack.
> Trophy Scan is not meant to help you in the field — it’s meant to help you celebrate your hard-earned trophy later. Once your deer or other horned animal is scanned, it can be scored using the company’s revolutionary VoluMetrics scoring program that measures its total volume among other popular scoring formulas….
> The folks at Plano Synergy [owners of Wildgame Innovations] claim their ZeroTrace machine pumps positive and negative ions into the air around deer hunters that bind to odor molecules and neutralize them to reduce the hunter’s scent signature.
> Tetra’s Deer AmpPods not only protect your hearing, but also enhance sounds in the woods so you’ll have Superman-like ears capable of detecting subtle grunts and the footsteps of deer as they try to sneak around behind you.
Cool little Buckmasters tidbit — sometimes close is too close. It’s tempting to set up your sit close to a trail or other area where there’s been known deer activity but:
> Bowhunters frequently set up too close to trails and get busted when trying to draw. If you practice at 30 yards, why set up to shoot 10 or even 15 yards? Give yourself the greatest amount of breathing room that falls within your 100% shooting ability.
On the other hand:
> Gun hunters often set up in spots that offer the longest view. There’s nothing wrong with that, but gun stands should be placed within easy shooting distance of the most likely trails.
1. ID still says no to lighted nocks.
> …considered a similar petition about allowing lighted nocks in 2014, but “determined it was important to maintain existing rules” for primitive hunting weapons like archery and muzzleloaders.
Huh? Sounds like the ID commissioners haven’t looked at a new compound bow or in-line muzzleloader — there’s nothing “primitive” about ’em and hasn’t been for decades. Bottom line: Lighted nocks give bowhunters a better idea of where their shot went, which gives them a better chance of recovering an animal. 49 other states get it — c’mon, ID!
Btw, the draw for ID Super Hunts is on.
2. MI wants hunters to weigh-in on proposed reg changes.
Here’s a couple:
> Change the statewide limit for antlerless license purchase to 10 per hunter. This limit offers maximum opportunity for those who wish to manage abundant deer on their property.
> Open early and late antlerless seasons in all Lower Peninsula mainland DMUs.
3. HI: Cuz of meat shortages hunters can hunt now.
Need a special permit:
> “Hunters have asked us to increase open hunting days to help them feed our community. With so many people out of work, and concerns about national meat shortages, it is likely many folks are interested in hunting during the middle of the week.
4. OH 2020-21 deer seasons announced.
Deer archery: Sept 26-Feb 7
Youth deer gun: Nov 21-22
Deer gun: Nov 30-Dec 6, and Dec 19-20
Deer muzzleloader: Jan 2-5
5. ND: Bismarck will have urban deer hunting.
> Police are partnering with the ND Game and Fish Dept, which has set archery deer season to start on Sept 4….
6. CA doing online hunter ed during pandemic.
Like some other states…good!
7. CA: Draw for special hunt on Knoxville Wildlife Area.
8. CA: Camp Pendleton using drones to track muleys.
> The monitoring program — dubbed Operation Buck Rogers — is part of an innovative way Camp Pendleton game wardens have started keeping track of the sprawling base’s deer population that also helps the Marines with their training using the sophisticated unmanned aircraft systems.
9. ND: Muley population is coming back.
> Mule deer numbers are up 7% from last year and are 22% above the long-term average….
10. OR: 4 charged with 27 poaching violations.
Whoa — from the article:
> Police said the poaching took place in the Mid-Willamette Valley and Coast Range and included illegal take of buck deer, bull elk, black bear, bobcat and cougar, according to a news release.
11. TX: Ginormous taxidermy auction in Fort Worth.
> On May 29-30, John Brommel’s World Class Big Game Trophy Mount & Western Auction will hold its 2-day auction spotlighting 1,400 lots from 10 estates, including 9 legendary hunters with magnificent collections.
Some of ’em are amazing and hilarious:
12. MO looking at a bear season in 2021.
13. NY: Lone star tick is spreading and…
> Lone star ticks don’t transmit Lyme disease, the most common illness caused by the far more abundant deer, or black-legged, tick. The lone star ticks can carry several other serious bacterial and viral diseases, however, and can also cause a bizarre allergy to red meat.
14. UK: Prince Harry sold hunting rifles to please his wife??
> According to sources, the prized English firearms — worth over $60,000 — wound up in the hands of another hunter in a private deal that took place 5 months ago….
> …word is Meghan is opposed to hunting and friends of Harry say he would give it up to “please” her.
Judge Judy was like:
New Stuff
1. Zeiss’ new Conquest scopes.
> …enhancements include optimized engraving, 10 yards to infinity side parallax adjustment, variable step reticle illumination, 2 new reticle designs, and reticle subtension indicators at the magnification settings.
2. The Gravedigger hybrid fixed/mechanical broadhead.
> The Gravedigger Extreme combines the best of 2 worlds, with a large 1.25″ cut-on-contact lead blade, followed by 2 expandable blades that delay opening until entry has been achieved, adding 2.25″ of cutting surface.
4. Stealth Cam Fusion available for pre-order.
> Fusion Wireless Cameras take the guesswork out of cellular activation and will have you transmitting images in a matter of minutes with their quick scan QR setup, combined with Stealth Cam’s new data plans….
Says its wireless plans are cheaper….
5. Wildlife Research Centers has 2 new “Micro Brew Craft Scents.”
Okay…$30 for a 4oz. bottle!
> This premium line of high-performance lures are carefully crafted in small batches, by the scent masters at Wildlife Research Center to optimize their strengths in various attraction qualities.
Gear of the Week
Check out this tactical lever-action!
Had to happen! The levergun that tamed the West and made John Wayne cool got a tactical makeover. The walnut furniture’s been replaced with black plastic and aluminum, including a fancy M-LOK forend. Tactical Life has the lowdown on the Citadel Levtac-92:
> …comes chambered in 3 pistol rounds that provide plenty of thump… .357 Mag, .44 Mag and .454 Casull. Pair with a revolver for the ultimate tandem for hunting and defense while afield.
[.44 and .454 would make great short-range brush guns, especially in straight-wall states.]
> The forend uses an M-LOK design, making this lever-gun well-suited for multiple roles. The volume of attachment area provides AR-like abilities to bolt on accessories, giving users the ability to use a multitude of lights, optics, lasers and more. This makes the Levtac-92 a potentially formidable defensive package.
[But potentially illegal if you intend to hunt with it FYI!]
> Topped with a Picatinny rail, the lever-gun accepts the user’s optic of choice. A peep rear and front blade sight combo mean you’ll never be without backup sights. With an 18 barrel and 8-round capacity, along with a large, oversized lever loop, the black synthetic Levtac-92 brings plenty to the fight.
Sells for about $800.
Tip of the Week
Can we predict whitetail movement better?
We’ve all seen it — deer everywhere one day, then gone the next. Everybody’s got theories on why deer move, some of ’em good, some not so much. Well, Auburn U’s deer doc, Stephen Ditchkoff, talked to Deer & Deer Hunting about some of the science behind it:
> Obviously, moon phase and solunar cycles have been studied for a long time, but there are a lot of other factors that are potentially influencing deer movement, such as temperature, barometric pressure and other climatic factors.
> We’ve been looking at this over the last couple of years… and we’ve found that solunar charts do have some predictive ability over deer movements. However, traditional solunar charts are based on fisheries data…solunar charts have potential, but they’re not perfect.
> We’ve also found that one of the greatest influences on deer activity is precipitation. When precipitation is present, deer activity happens to be exceptionally high…and that’s the most consistent predictor of deer activity throughout the year.
Sounds like a rainstorm’s now a bad excuse for not getting out in the woods! Too bad he doesn’t speculate why deer activity is higher when it rains but…guess we’ll be investing in some new raingear!
Quote of the Week
“The best camouflage pattern is called, ‘Sit down and be quiet!’ Your grandpa hunted deer in a red plaid coat, think about that for a second.”
– Lol yep! That’s Fred Bear talkin’ words as true today as they’ve ever been. That’s only one of a bunch o’ Fred nuggets in a great post by F&S’s Bill Heavey.
Shot of the Week
Ever seen critters POSE for a trailcam pic?? Only thing missing in this deal is Snow White — @Gamecamadventures shot:
What’s the DB and who does it??
The DeerBlaster is a weekly roundup of the best, worst and funniest stuff about whitetail deer hunting culled from around the interwebz. We were kinda doing it already, just not the blastin’ it into your inbox part….
It’s put together by some deer nerds — Ted, Jay, Wade, couple more — from around the country. We excerpt content (and credit EVERYONE!), comment on content, do some original content — it’s an internet thing…. We do it because we can’t get enough deer hunting, hopefully you’re wired the same.
The DeerBlaster’s a work in progress, just like we are. Let us know what we can do better and thanks for readin’! Any issues, suggestions, whatever, just hit Reply to this email and we’ll get it. Thank you!
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