Props to WV’s Zachary Woods for ticking this baaaaaad 10-point typ opening morning (!!) of archery season. Here’s the down-low from his ‘gram:
> Watched him break 100 yards out in the field right at daylight and waited for him to close the gap to 19 yards.
> Good stand location and the right amount of luck, sometimes things work out.
That camo facepaint for sure helped hahaha! Zach posted #makeuponfleek — lol!
That NC 31-point is a new non-typ state record.
Told you about Tory Pegg’s 31-pointer a couple weeks back — Buckmasters realized that deer is one for the books:
> …Pegg met with Wayne Cox, official Buckmasters scorer, to get an accurate measurement of his non-typical giant. …Cox’s scoresheet totaled 212 7/8″ [gross]…NC’s new state record in the irregular compound bow category of the Buckmasters Trophy Records Program.
> This tremendous buck is also expected to take the top slot in the Non-typical Pope & Young category at the 2020 Dixie Deer Classic. The current record is Brent Mabry’s 176 7/8″ Halifax County buck from 2006. While Pegg’s 212 7/8″ measurement is considered a gross measurement, the net is expected to shatter Mabry’s deer by nearly 20″.
Dudes in that Hangover movie were impressed:
Hahaha! Not sure what they’re puttin’ in the water in NC, but keep on doing it!
Good ideas for organizing trailcam pics.
This hits home. Hard. Got hundreds — okay probly thousands — of trailcam pics just from last season, and more are coming in now. Here’s how we do it now: 2 folders, “2018” and “2019”…lol. The National Deer Alliance just posted some good ideas from their members:
> One person said, “I keep track of the photos by season: spring, summer, fall, and winter. I use them to help pattern deer movement and to learn what deer are using what area, and when. …helps me learn what bucks I have in the area, and then decide which ones I may want to target for the year.”
> Another hunter explained, “I use Adobe Lightroom to organize my pictures. I organize them in folders by location, then use a system of star ratings and tags to organize pics into antlered and antlerless, and to identify individual bucks.”
Dang! This one’s our favorite:
> “I set up a free Google Photos account and upload my photos there so I can see them on any of my devices. While I do make sub-folders to track individual deer, sometimes the face-recognition function will group photos of a particular deer for me, which is pretty cool.”
Wonder what face this dude would have: #squatchfoot
Seriously tho — if you have a cool way of organizing ’em, love to hear it. Just respond to this email to let us know.
How to debone a deer in a CWD zone.
More and more of us are hunting deer in CWD-positive areas, and that’s not expected to slow down anytime soon. The guys at the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership teamed up with the Meateater crew to show how to properly process a deer that was harvested in a CWD zone:
Because CWD is transmitted mostly through nervous tissue (think spinal cord, lymph nodes, and brain tissue), those parts need to stay in the CWD zone and NOT transported to other areas because of infection risk.
Guess we’d prefer a test to make sure the meat wasn’t infected….
Here’s a link for you to lobby Congress to fund CWD research cuz:
> CWD is spreading alarmingly among deer herds in states all across the country, creating uncertainty for hunters and driving up costs for wildlife agencies faced with the prospect of controlling the disease.
> This disease could have huge impacts on the future of deer hunting and funding for wildlife habitat conservation, as 80% of all hunters hunt deer and contribute the most money through the purchase of licenses and gear.
Check out the size of this doe!
Whoa! Not sure about the deets but that big ol’ fatty wound up on the Outdoor Channel Insta. Shot at less than 30 yards by @alec.kaiser, but we don’t know much more than that. Even her head is ginormous!
One thing’s for sure: She’s gonna make a lot of steaks, burgers and jerky.
Hopefully Alec knew about Bowhunting.com’s Trophy Doe contest….
Like start eatin’ meat hahaha!
> …consider this a cheat sheet for why hunting is doing more for North American wildlife than their favorite animal rights group ever can, or will!
Gear of the Week
Mossberg MVP LR rifle.
Definitely doesn’t have the looks of your grandaddy’s deer rifle, but the Mossberg MVP line is turning heads…and putting venison on the table. American Hunter’s John Zent got a chance to shoot the new 6.5 Creedmoor:
> The Mossberg MVP LR, topped with a Riton scope, makes a terrific deer-slayer and…delivers way more value than it costs.
> While the stock’s vertical pistol grip and flattened fore-end both optimize deliberate shooting off a rest, I found the rifle manageable for extended carry. The grip areas are beefier than I prefer for a stalking rifle that may need to be employed for snap shots on running game, but not so bulky that I couldn’t get accustomed.
> At 8 lbs, the MVP LR is about a pound heavier than my favorite on-the-move rifles, but that’s all to the good for shooting from stands or blinds or after sneaking into a rested position.
> From a benchrest at 100 yards, it grouped under 1″ with each of the 3 loads I tried… Then from 300 yards I fired a 10-shot composite group prone and sitting/off sticks that measured 4.8″. That’s a keeper….
> …threaded muzzle/cap, factory-installed Picatinny rail, oversized bolt knob and an adjustable cheekpiece that’s rubber-coated for shooter comfort.
> …standard with a 10-round Magpul P-Mag but will accept other AR-type magazines. Along with 6.5 Creedmoor, it comes in .308 Win., and word has it a .224 Valkyrie is in the works.
> Mossberg’s MSRP for the MVP LR is $910, but…can be ordered from multiple online sellers for under $700. Riton’s website lists the RT-S Mod 5 Gen2 3x-9x-40mm at $319.99, bu…couple of e-commerce sites selling it now for $279.99.
Tip of the Week
Do you pattern hunters too?
When deer get freaked out because of the sudden pressure from hunters, Josh Honeycutt at Realtree Outdoors says it’s best to figure out what those other hunters are doing and steer clear — or better yet, use them to your advantage:
> …plot their known stand locations on a map. This helps you leave a buffer between you and them. Plus, it’s a safety factor. You need to know where other hunters are.
> Realtree pro Cole Barthel: “…bow stands that are close enough to each other that wind direction plays a big role. Observe the other hunter’s wind and see if it’s going to affect you. If you have a good wind, but he doesn’t, choose another location to sit.
> “Try to access in and out in ways that no one else does — even if it’s a longer walk — to avoid bumping deer. Don’t just follow other hunters’ access in and out.”
> Realtree pro Carl Drake: “The impatient guy…is the one who’s out of his stand early and starts walking around because he can’t sit tight. I find this mainly during gun season. This person can definitely push deer toward you. Or, if [he] comes too close…can move deer out of your area too.”
Quote of the Week
“I’m under no illusion that if we ban baiting and feeding it would stop spread of chronic wasting disease.”
– Charlie Killmaster, GA state deer biologist, talkin’. Also said:
> “We can’t control how deer interact naturally. You can say the same thing about urine bans. It might help a little bit, but there’s nothing we can do about CWD….”
Shot of the Week
There’s serious deer hunters, then there’s this dude — love it! #bold
What’s the DB and who does it??
The DeerBlaster is a weekly roundup of the best, worst and funniest stuff about whitetail deer hunting culled from around the interwebz. We were kinda doing it already, just not the blastin’ it into your inbox part….
It’s put together by some deer nerds — Ted, Jay, Wade, couple more — from around the country. We excerpt content (and credit EVERYONE!), comment on content, do some original content — it’s an internet thing…. We do it because we can’t get enough deer hunting, hopefully you’re wired the same.
The DeerBlaster’s a work in progress, just like we are. Let us know what we can do better and thanks for readin’! Any issues, suggestions, whatever, just hit Reply to this email and we’ll get it. Thank you!
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If you’re forwarding the DeerBlaster to other deer crackheads, tx much! Or you can email us the addys and we’ll take care of it! We’ll never send spam, sell the list or anything else crazy….
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If you’re interested in learning more about the DeerBlaster and how we do things, just respond to this email and we’ll get in touch — thank you!