DeerBlaster blasts

Two B&C bucks in 18 hrs!! New type of mobile decoy, Regs killing hunting?

Today’s Top 5

Two B&C bucks in 18 hours!!


Not many hunters can claim a season like that! If you drop ONE B&C buck — in your entire life — it’s huge. But TWO? Within 18 hours??? So crazy rare guess it’d be like seeing a guy with a Darth Vader helmet playing firey bagpipes in a kiddie pool:

Okay could happen I guess…LOL! Back to deer hunting: Adam Crumrin hit the dang jackpot twice in less than 24 hours! 2 IL STUDS, startin’ with Nov 8, a “red moon” day that was ideal for a sit, he told NA Whitetail:

> He’d hunted the stand 9 times already…without seeing the target buck but was hopeful this hunt would be different. Sure enough, after only 20 minutes in the stand, he saw a giant step out of the treeline approximately 100 yards away.

> When the deer was approximately 60 yards away it turned into the waterway, scent-checking where a doe and small buck had been bedded earlier. After getting the video camera lined up and turned on, Adam ranged the buck at 53 yards. As the monster turned broadside Adam released his arrow….

> …gross B&C score of 183″ despite a broken brow tine.

That night a big cold front blew through — Adam was in his stand the next morning. Couple minutes later, another huge buck showed himself:

> The big deer kept walking into the bean field, putting him 50-60 yards…. Adam grabbed his grunt tube and called loudly enough for the buck to hear him. The brute stopped, turned and came running back!

> When the buck stopped at 20 yards, everything went on automatic. Adam center-punched his lungs and watched him run off. Following his trail revealed him dead beside a pond only 100 yards away.

> “My first thought was, Oh, my gosh I think I just killed my 2nd gross B&C buck in less than 18 hours!”…the 12-pointer did gross B&C, at 171”.

Dude! Amazing hunts Adam, thanks for sharing ’em man!

You seen this new type of decoy yet?

Bettin’ y’all know about the turkey fan deal, not sure if you’ve seen that type of decoying applied to hunting. I (Jay) hadn’t so check this out — Heads Up Decoys:

Could this change hunting? Not sure if it’s legal everywhere, but don’t see why it wouldn’t be? Tips for using these decoys are down below….

We’re digging this mount!

Different, cool, more “3D” (kinda) than just hangin’ on the wall:

Tripped over it at the Heads Up Decoy ‘gram. What do you think about it? Let us know on social:

DB Facebook @deerblaster.official

Are non-tox and eligibility regs killing hunting in CA?

Been said that whatever happens in CA spreads east. Let’s hope not. Here’s some staggering numbers from American Hunter:

> CA is America’s most populous state. More than 39 million call it home, but hunters represent less than 1/2 of 1% of its huge population. As recently as 10 years ago, only 287,229 licenses were sold there.

> The total has fallen every year since. As of Oct 31, 2019, the CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife reported only 224,604 hunting licenses sold compared to 269,276 a year prior. That’s right, 44,672 California hunters quit the field in 2019.

> This result can be traced to the effect of a 1-2 punch that walloped CA hunters and gun owners Jul 1, 2019. First, the final phase-in of a 2013 law banned the use of all lead ammunition anywhere in the state….

The second wallop was an “eligibility requirement,” which is a simple way of stating ridiculously complicated requirements that put the onus on the hunter to prove he’s a CA resident, of age, pay a fee, perform a telephone eligibility check, and do 50 pushups to buy a box of Federal Premiums (okay made that last one up but dang!).

Seems to us like taking guns outright ain’t the only game. Maybe the antis can find success by throwing up enough roadblocks to make things not worth it…. Might get outta hand tho:

Lol but this deal ain’t funny!

Deer vs lynx snow throwdown.

Gotta feel a little for the muley doe. Made it through breeding season, hunting season, big-time snow…and then Mr. Hangry Lynx comes a-callin’. She gets in a good kick, but before long, she’s wearing a lynx hat…tight! Not sure how this resolved itself, but neither of them look like they’re having a blast — full vid here on the Western Obsession FB page.


1. MI: $1 fine proposed for deer baiting.

> Supporters of overturning the ban argue banning baiting and feeding deer is an overreach that hurts the state’s hunting industry and doesn’t do much to stop CWD.

2. MN: Bill wants to kill slug-gun season.

Rationale is modern slug shotguns can reach out and touch a deer at long range:

> Wildlife managers and enforcement leaders at the DNR are not leading the push to eliminate shotgun-only deer hunting zones. But a change would fit with the agency’s overall push to simplify hunting and fishing regulations.

3. UT: Behind in spouse support? No hunting license for you!

Guess it makes sense:

> With bipartisan support, the House…advanced HB197, which seeks to use such privileges as leverage over noncustodial parents who are more than $2,500 behind in these payments.

4. CO: Hunters say heck no to wolf reintroduction.

> Safari Club state prez: “Wolves are here, they are going to naturally reproduce. They are federally protected, so we just don’t need to add more to the mix.”

> Sierra Club person: …wolves disperse elk and deer herds, which helps reduce the spread of chronic wasting disease, Malone added.

5. WV proposes adding a Sunday to buck season.

Would gives hunters 1 more weekend day to stay in the woods.

6. OH proposing fall 2020 season reg ideas.

> The statewide deer bag limit was proposed to remain at 6 deer, only 1 of which may be antlered, and a hunter cannot exceed a county bag limit.

7. SD: Non-rez landowners might get free permits.

> The nonresident would need to own at least 640 contiguous acres and hadn’t received an any-antelope license or a West River buck deer license through a regular drawing.

Meanwhile, SD has gone to what seems like craaazzzyyy lengths to prosecute a part-time resident/landowner — also a combat vet. Not sure any juice really worth the squeeze on that deal….

8. MO hunters donate nearly 175 TONS of venison.

To food pantries — great job folks:

> Since Share the Harvest was started in 1992, the program has provided more than 4.3 million lbs of venison to people in need….

9. WY might buy 1 mil acres for public hunting.

Muley and pronghorn land.

Deer Disease News

Pretty cool development. Remember that some states wanted to ban deer-urine lures because of fears CWD could be spread through urine and other bodily fluids. Well, props to the scent companies who helped to find this new test, which allows them to confirm their deer pee is CWD-free…and hunters might actually be able to use it and some point to test a freshly-killed deer for CWD:

> Deer urine, saliva, and excrement are some of the elements that can be tested for the misfolded proteins (or prions) that cause this fatal ailment. Most importantly, the test can be conducted on live deer — other testing methods can only be run on dead deer.

> It’s still in the early stages, but if all goes well, Larsen expects the test will go through the USDA approval process. But …a long road ahead.

> U of MN researcher developing the test: “I think it’s years away [for field use], and we have to do a lot more research to get there. I can’t really say what that would look like. We would need a significant breakthrough to get us there.”

> Since 2016, when the AR Game and Fish Commission found its first deer afflicted with CWD, deer management in AR has subtly morphed into disease management. In the process, the commission is gradually drifting from a traditional wildlife management model to a veterinary science model.

> Drifting too far down that path, with pejorative references from staff about feeding and baiting wildlife, might create an irreparable rift with the state’s deer-hunting community.

> The new tool will provide an easy way for the public to report sick deer and for staff to track and evaluate them.

Not gonna post the pic it’s so gross, but click the link ^ if you wanna see a moose with 90,000 ticks on it! Say it’s just as bad with deer and are calling for a cull.

Lone star and Asian longhorned…and 50% of all the ticks had Lyme….

New Stuff

1. CenterPoint Archery updates flagship x-bow.

> …added a silent cranking device that delivers a smooth and effortless cocking sequence. We also worked with our partners at True Timber to incorporate the abstract Strata pattern into the bow.

400 fps for about a thousand bucks — not bad:

2. Swarovski rangefinding scope turning heads.

> …state-of-the-art technology with Swarovski’s top-quality lenses, coatings and manufacturing, the resulting riflescope has an integrated ballistic calculator and laser rangefinder that delivers precise shooting solutions from a single optical device.

Gear of the Week

How to use the Heads Up Decoys.

Decoys are great, but they’re not always practical — like if you’re going a long way in, or if you’re walking, etc. Too heavy, too bulky, too inconvenient for most guys. But Heads Up Decoy has something different: fabric screen-printed decoys that deploy over a wire frame. Here’s a little more on ’em from Heads Up founder Garrett Roe:

> These unique decoys can attach to a hunter’s bow, a tree or even be stood up in a cornfield or held by a fellow hunter.

> “…came up with new bowhunting tactics that are unique to our product. We’ve been doing it since 2008, so we’ve had a lot of water under the bridge, a lot of experience and a lot of fun with them, actually.

> “We were pretty aggressive with these during the rut — these help you be very aggressive with hunting. We found that sometimes that’s the best way to use them…. So we do stalk them, we find a buck with a doe and we get in on them and then we show him the decoy.”

> Garrett cautioned hunters to be aware of their surroundings when using the decoy, especially on public land, and said he wouldn’t recommend using it during rifle season for safety reasons.

> “We don’t walk in with it. We get to a point where we’re as close as we want to get and then we show them the decoy and hopefully he comes in really unhappy, posturing.

> “It’s a unique experience I wish everyone could see and feel and be a part of, when you have a whitetail buck — a big one — coming in on you with his hair all bristled up, his ears pinned back, swingin’ in on ya and you’re shooting him at 15 yards or less. It’s just really fun.”

These deeks run about $90, and have stabilizer attachments which help conceal you and your bow.

Tip of the Week

How to make a shed dog (sorta).

Solid advice from Outdoor Life:

> If you have a high-drive dog that has plenty of natural hold and carry ability…then you’re (probably) well on your way. A dog that is average in drive or retrieving desire might be a different story. Some dogs just seem to hate holding antlers in their mouths….

> …don’t ignore the visual aspect of the task. …even though dogs are natural hunters…they can learn very quickly to use their eyes as well. They just need the right guidance.

> The most common assumption with a shed dog is that they will out-hunt human counterparts and deliver bundles of antlers…. If you’re honest about the number of antlers you usually find in a given season, which is pretty low for most people, then a shed dog might give you a 25 or 50 percent boost in finds. But that might be the difference between finding 4 vs 3.

> We’ve all heard stories about dogs that just like to find sheds and will gladly bring them back to their owner during a winter walk in whitetail country. Finding those dogs is akin to a random farm litter producing a field trial champion — you’re more likely to get struck by lightning.

> …pretty easy to make the argument that tacking on 3 extra months of field time with your dog working through shed-antler environments will only make it a better hunter — and you a better handler.

Quote of the Week

Lawmakers are contemplating fingerprinting every legal gun-owner in the state.

Guy talkin ’bout IL — scary deal. Here’s what else he says:

> IL already has some of the most restrictive gun laws. Despite this, Chicago remains a quagmire of gun violence.

Imagine that….

Shot of the Week

Wow lookit that! REAL nice. Dude named Jason Chancellor posted it to the Big Buck Registry FB page:

What’s the DB and who does it??
The DeerBlaster is a weekly roundup of the best, worst and funniest stuff about whitetail deer hunting culled from around the interwebz. We were kinda doing it already, just not the blastin’ it into your inbox part….
It’s put together by some deer nerds — Ted, Jay, Wade, couple more — from around the country. We excerpt content (and credit EVERYONE!), comment on content, do some original content — it’s an internet thing…. We do it because we can’t get enough deer hunting, hopefully you’re wired the same.
The DeerBlaster’s a work in progress, just like we are. Let us know what we can do better and thanks for readin’! Any issues, suggestions, whatever, just hit Reply to this email and we’ll get it. Thank you!
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