Welcome to 2021! Hope your holidays were great and you got some time to get outdoors. If Santa gave you some Christmas $$$, stay tuned – the ATA Show (archery) and SHOT Show (everything else) are happenin’ this month and stuff is already leakin’ out! Thanks for reading!
Thx for reading! If you’re getting the DeerBlaster for the first time it’s probably because a deer-crazed bud signed you up! |
Today’s Top 5
Gal banned from deer camp kills a 215″ booner!
If ya can’t join ’em, beat ’em – that’s what IA’s Brooklynne Rude went and did after she learned she couldn’t hunt her family’s deer camp because she’s a gal! 🙄 Outdoor Life says that only made her more determined:
> “It was actually my boyfriend’s interest in deer hunting that finally got me into the woods this year. He mentioned that he really wanted to try deer hunting this year, and I said that I did too.”
> After a little searching [they] found a small tract of land to hunt…a pasture, beanfields and strips of timber…already had an elevated blind where they could sit on opening day.
> On Tues, Dec 15, Rude…made her way back to the blind that afternoon around 3:30. While quietly walking in on the snow, Rude spotted a big buck about 175 yards away…feeding in the beanfield on adjoining property. To her dismay…the buck…looked in her direction before bolting off into the timber.
> Rude climbed into the blind and her boyfriend joined her. Just 45 minutes later…same buck about 150 yards away, headed in their direction. They temporarily lost sight of the deer…. Then they heard something, and the buck materialized in front of their blind just 70 yards away in a small opening in the timber…walking from right to left, but stopped broadside in the clearing….
> Rude got down on her knees so she could shoot through the window of the blind. She placed the crosshairs of the Weaver scope on the buck’s vitals, took a deep breath and exhaled, then gently squeezed the trigger, just like her dad taught her. …the buck bolted before piling up just 30 yards from where he stood at the shot.
> Brooklynne Rude’s buck had 28 points, a 23″ inside spread and a green score of 215 inches. “I thought it was funny because I had told my dad, ‘I’m going to laugh so hard when I shoot a monster buck because you guys won’t let me go to deer camp.'”
Way to go Brooklynne!! Keep following your heart on that hunting deal! |
Incredibly symmetrical “Ivory” gets smokepoled.
Amazing symmetrical IN deer taken by Randy Hunter – great last name brother! Michael Hanback’s Big Deer Blog with the details:
> For the last 2 years I have really been wanting to get a crack at a giant non-typical deer that lives in the area. He was on my trailcam once in Dec 2 years ago…never seen him in person…other hunters…named him “Ivory” because of his white antlers.
> I had been sitting for 45 minutes or so when I saw a doe come out of the woods to the southeast of me and cross into my fence row. As I watched the woods where she came from, I noticed movement and a large deer stepped out. It was snowing again which made it tough to see but I could tell it was a shooter!
> Good thing I was ready because Ivory stepped out, looked my way, stomped and blew twice. He was leaving and I shot. As the smoke cleared, I could see him running tail down toward the woods. I wasn’t sure I’d hit him.
> We waited an hour and a half and went back…figured with the snow it would be easy to follow the blood trail even in the dark. We got there and went to where I thought he was standing when I shot. No blood but tracks were everywhere. I wasn’t going to be able to follow his tracks with no blood.
> …I’m thinking, I just missed the biggest buck I’ll ever get a chance at. I’m really feeling sick when my son hollered at me, “I got him Dad!”
> As I got closer, I could see what a magnificent animal he was! We just stood silently and looked at him. We couldn’t believe how big he was. The deer of a lifetime and I got to enjoy it all with my son! We’re still celebrating!
Green-scored 225 6/8 with 18 points – incredible buck!! |
Check out this insanely big triple-beam MS buck.
Hardly ever see a triple-main-beam deer, but Robin Prince got to see one through his rifle scope and put him on the ground! 👊 LA Sportsman says this 24-point beast scored 215 7/8.
Savage surprises with a straight-pull rifle. 🤔
Gotta admit, didn’t know straight-pull rifles were even a thing? Apparently they’ve been around for a while – sorta popular in Europe but not here – and have had issues with reliability, accuracy and safety…which might explain while they never took off here! 😂
Anyhow, Savage says they’ve got all that stuff and more figured out with their new Impulse rifle. Few details:
> …American-made rifles feature a unique straight-pull action that refines the basic function of the conventional bolt into one fast and intuitive movement. |
> …new action…built around Hexlock, a robust lockup that allows for Impulse’s reliability, speed, safety and accuracy.
> The smooth bolt-throw allows a shooter to cycle rounds intuitively, without the need for the standard four changes-of-direction common to a conventional bolt’s path-of-travel.
> 6 hardened steel bearings lock the bolt in place inside the receiver’s barrel extension. As pressure increases, Hexlock’s hold tightens, ensuring that there can be no rearward movement of the bolt. Once the round has left the barrel, the pressure subsides, and the action can safely open again with the straight pull of the bolt handle.
Interesting. Each model has the Savage goodness of AccuStock, Accufit and AccuTrigger. Looks like they’re just shy of $1,400. |
Bills DE Trent Murphy sacks a 10-pointer – in the end zone??
This ever been done before?? Incredible shot of Buffalo Bills defensive end Trent Murphy posing in the end zone with a nice 10-pointer he took earlier in the day:
What a way to celebrate the Bills’ first AFC East title in a quarter century:
More Deer!
Congrats to Eric Hirzel – deer’s estimated to be 7 yrs old, had a large tine broken off but still a great deer: |
2. OG Buckmaster Jackie Bushman sticks a MT monster.
> “Out of all the deer I’ve shot for TV, this one actually grew. Most of them will shrink when you walk up on them. This deer grew, and his mass carried all of the way out.”
Green-scored 179″: |
3. Kickers everywhere on this MS beast.
> Hunter Kyle Bobo: “He was cruising for a doe with his nose to the ground coming straight to my tree. I told myself to calm down. ‘He doesn’t know you’re here. Just do your part.'” |
Says a bowhunter found beaten and stabbed to death. Whoa. Please be careful folks. Post days no one in custody yet. If you pray, please pray for our brother’s family.
2. AL blows away harvest records this season.
> Right now, there are 41 days left in the season, and the AL [DNR] is reporting 101,700 deer have already been harvested. Last year at this time, there were about 52,000…this is the first time there’s ever been more than 100,000 deer reported.
3. KY harvest totals down a bit.
> Last year’s total deer harvest by all weapons in all seasons was the 2nd-highest on record, 148,395. Earlier this week, the total for the 2020-21…was running about 10,000 behind that.
4. WI wants hunter input on county regs.
> Between now and Jan.13, let us know your thoughts on proposed herd-size objectives in your county.
Click here to give your comments.
5. NY proposes ban on natural hunting scent.
Apparently the DEC slipped the ban in without saying anything. 🙄 Email your opinions to wildlife@dec.ny.gov.
6. PA licensing system closed beginning Jan 12.
For maintenance so make sure you have your license!
7. FL: Men face attempted murder charges on a game warden.
> The FWC officer suspected the men were poaching deer after he saw someone shining a spotlight and heard a shot was fired, according to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd. He got out of his truck and approached the hunters.
> “Luckily, he was able to disarm them with their shotgun and their hunting rifle, in a pretty quick order, which probably saved his life,” FWC Major Roger Young said…adding the officer was able to secure the weapons before the attack.
Hate hearing that. Glad our warden brother is okay.
8. Southeast Deer Study Group meeting is next month.
Virtual meeting – biggest gathering of deer researchers, Feb 23-24. More info here.
9. HI: Axis deer dying of starvation?
State says the population has exploded, even though hunting is allowed year-round with no bag limits.
10. American Rifleman’s 2021 Golden Bullseye winners.
Best rifle = Benelli Lupo, Best ammo = Federal Premium Terminal Ascent.
11. American Hunter’s Golden Bullseye choices are…
…rifle = Springfield 2020 Waypoint, muzzleloader = Traditions NitroFire/Federal Premium FireStick collab.
12. NRA is 150 years strong this year.
Good to hear when the 2A seems so obviously important right now…. |
Deer Disease News
1. MI sets late antlerless hunt to combat bovine tuberculosis.
Hunters need to check their deer and get them tested.
2. MS suspects 2 deer CWD-poz in northeast counties.
> …1st suspected CWD-positive cases in whitetail deer within 25 miles of the AL state line. |
New Stuff
> The Daniel Defense Delta 5 Bolt Action Rifle is a very solid choice for shooters who want a precision rifle capable of making 1,000-yard shots but don’t want a tacticool chassis gun. |
2. Hornady announces a few new products.
6mm ARC cartridges in its Precision Hunter lineup, new high-performance Bore Driver FTX muzzleloading bullets, reloading supplies, and gun safes. |
> When compared to the difficult and dangerous acts of filling suspended pipe-leg feeders, Capsules offer super-easy “one-riot, one-ranger” refill operation.
> Capsule’s patented auger-driven technology lifts shelled corn and protein pellets to the dispenser, which makes it virtually impossible for…varmints to steal feed. |
21st century mount meets 19th-century gun. Built to take the punishment of a .45-70. |
> Aircraft-grade aluminum, Magnitude is an ambidextrous 5-pin sight that is available with a detachable dovetail mounting bracket or fixed mounting bracket design. |
> Covert Wireless now offers recognition software through the Covert Wireless mobile app. The software has recognition categories of buck, hog, bear, human, vehicle, turkey, other. |
> …3 heating elements placed in core areas that can be activated at will to provide you warmth in a flash. |
> The wifi capable unit, with full audio, clips to the brim of your ballcap and films in full 1080p HD using a wide-angle lens, ensuring the wearer captures everything within eyesight. |
Gear of the Week
STOP THE MADNESS!! 🤯 The folks at TenPoint just announced 2 MORE new x-bows: the ridiculously compact Havoc RS440, and the Siege RS410. Deer & Deer Hunting has a detailed rundown, here’s a few nuggets:
> …fastest-shooting x-bow of its size and the most accurate long-range x-bow ever made – the Havoc RS440. This technologically advanced reverse-draw x-bow shoots blistering speeds of 440 fps, is equipped with the…ACUslide Cocking and De-cocking System, and measures a super-short 26.5″ long.
> Forget holding buttons, using straps and losing control while de-cocking. With TenPoint’s ACUslide Cocking and De-Cocking System, simply back-wind the handle – stopping at any point without fear of damage, injury or losing control.
> TenPoint’s S1 Trigger design has zero trigger creep and is one of TenPoint’s latest innovations directly inspired by customer feedback.
> The Havoc RS440 XERO is the same…features the new Garmin Xero X1i Rangefinding Scope that provides exact aiming at any distance….
> …Siege RS410…technologically-advanced reverse-draw x-bow shoots supercharged speeds of 410 fps, [and also has the same cocking/de-cocking system, trigger and 26.5″ long size at a lower price point].
Has TenPoint solved one of the last real complaints about x-bows? They’ve been sorta difficult to use in close quarters like a ground blind or brushy treestand, but doesn’t seem like that’s a problem with these new compact arrow guns.
BUT…prices start at $2,499 for the Havoc and $1,699 for the Siege. |
Tip of the Week
Still lookin’ to fill that tag? Bowhunting.com says you can use Jan to your advantage:
> Your late-season hunting should focus largely around evening hunts, keeping in mind that food is the end goal for the whitetail. Whether you’re hunting right over food or a 1/4 mile from it, always set up in a way you would think deer should approach.
> You don’t have to set up right on the food to have success. Depending on how much pressure the bucks have experienced recently, it is sometimes better to set up off the food to have a better chance of catching one moving in daylight.
> Hunting a cold front is a great strategy for the late season,…but watch the late-season warm fronts as well. A week-long stretch of frigid temperatures followed by a few warm days can really get deer up and feeling good.
> Setting up trailcams for hunting purposes can still be helpful…especially if you own a few cellular cameras for real-time updates to see what type of weather gets your deer moving. Staying out of the areas you plan to hunt is critical….
> I call it “grinding” because late-season bowhunting can be a lonely, grinding experience. Cold weather, paired with the still and silent woods, can make for peaceful yet slow evenings…. Staying motivated in the final weeks of the season is critical. |
Quote of the Week
“I threw up.”
– Deer brother Brennan Morris talkin’ about his reaction 🤢 when he shot the likely LA state record x-bow buck. The deer had 46 scoreable points – FORTY SIX POINTS!!!!! – and green-scored a ridonkulous 309 6/8″. Look at this thing: |
Shot of the Week
SICK pic wow! Nothing better than laying your hands on some bone after an evening blood track! @garminfishhunt posted, taken by @westinbryantphoto:
What’s the DB and who does it?
The DeerBlaster is a weekly roundup of the best, funniest, newest and most important stuff about whitetail deer hunting – culled from around the interwebz for DIEHARD whitetail hunters and blasted into your inbox.
The DB is put together by some deer nerds 😁 – Ted, Jay, others – from around the country. We excerpt content (and credit EVERYONE!), comment on content, do some original content…because we can’t get enough deer hunting – bet you’re wired the same!
The DeerBlaster’s a work in progress, just like we are. 😂 Any issues, suggestions, whatever, just hit Reply to this email and we’ll get it. Thank you for reading! |
Sign up another deer nut!
If you’re forwarding the DeerBlaster to other deer crackheads, tx much! Or you can email us the addys and we’ll take care of it! We’ll never send spam, sell the list or anything else crazy…. And follow us on Facebook and on Instagram at @deerblaster.official |
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If you’re interested in learning more about the DeerBlaster and how we do things, just respond to this email and we’ll get in touch – thank you! |