INCREDIBLE Ohio public land buck tapes 221!!!
Dang good reason OH is always ranked in the top 5 whitetail states — you can find deer like that one on public land! That monster was taken by Jacob Schott — describes the hunt on his Insta:
> …no better feeling than when a plan comes together…conditions couldn’t have been better as I found myself surrounded by at least 5 does and a small buck. After the deer began to filter in I started to get the shakes because I knew “Prong” wouldn’t be far, as this was the group of does he had been tending over the last few days.
> Sure enough, a few minutes later he came around the bend with his head down and grunting in a full sprint for the does that were only 15 yards from my stand. In a matter of seconds he closed the distance to my only shooting window that gave me a 30-yard shot.
> With my window of opportunity about to disappear I made the split second decision to lead the deer about 2′ and pull the trigger on my x-bow. Words cannot describe the feeling of watching the @ragebroadheads meet its mark and watching the deer fall in his tracks!
Great play by play and what an incredible deer! Scored 221 gross, 217 net, with 21 points. DANG!
Hunter wounds buck, gets 2nd chance in the same stand!
That good lookin’ 8-point was sent into us by Bill Wilcox, grandad of hunter Jacob Collier. They hunt 800 acres near Jacksboro, TX. Jacob got a shot at this nice buck in early Oct, but the shot was a little high — worst feeling ever, but no blood was found. Then a week later:
> The deer showed up…on a game camera at a different area.
> [Jacob] was real relieved that he lived. We’ve been watching this deer for 2 years.
Great! Jacob got another shot at him just 10 days later — a 20-yarder from the exact same stand! Congrats to both y’all and thanks for sending in that in!
Couple things:
1. We checked it out, and turns out if a deer isn’t mortally wounded, it’ll probably go back to its home area, especially if it didn’t smell or see you.
2. Keep sending those pics to deernerds @ deerblaster.com! (Just reply to the email addy you are getting the DB from.) |
TrueTimber’s new INFLATABLE ground blind.
Hmm. Pretty interesting concept — inflatable ground blind they intro’d earlier this year is now available. Comes in either 1- or 2-man versions, includes an air pump and backpack to carry it:
> …will withstand wind, heavy ice or snow accumulation, and other elements that collapse and destroy conventional ground blinds with rods or poles.
> …built for fast, efficient and quiet setup. Our double-action pump makes all models simple to inflate in 1 to 2 minutes. A 1-way valve is at the center of the blind roof and allows for easy access when inflating or deflating.
> …270-degree curtain design for firearm enthusiasts and an archery-focused door providing hunters a multitude of shot angles….
> …equipped with snap-on, removable shoot-through mesh curtains that can be moved up or down to accommodate hunters’ preferences.
$179.99 for the smaller, $259.99 for the bigger one, pretty much in-line with other ground blinds. Definitely like the idea of not having to duct tape broken poles, but some questions tho like:
– How quiet is it to pump up?
– How durable is it if you want to brush-in the blind with branches?
– Does it smell to game?
– How do you stake it down?
Anyone know, please reach out….
“Think the rut’s started in IL yet??”
Hunter Brandon Coatney was was askin’ while he tried not to get in a fight with this lovesick lil’ guy a few days ago:
> So this happened to me yesterday here in IL. My brother and I are hunting public land and I decided to get down to observe another area on the ground when all of a sudden a young buck wanted to fight me.
> I’m glad he wasn’t a bigger buck because this story could’ve turned out differently. This goes to show you that you have to be on your toes with all wild animals.
> I’ve hunted all my life and never have I thought a wild deer would do this. I had to cut the video short at the end because he was trying to stick me with his horns and it got a little sketchy.
Crazy! Full vid here on FB.
New venison-flavored whiskey??
1. CA: Young cancer patient keeps going through hunting.
So great. Please pray for Jayden and his family.
2. NE deer rifle season check-in now online only.
Because of Covid.
3. MI worries deer camp will spread Covid.
Whatever…. MI gov’t has seemed real worried about any outdoor pursuit.
4. 2021 SHOT Show canceled.
Dang that’s big:
> NSSF simply could not move forward at this point with so many unknowns and variables.
5. AL now requires paperwork for processing and taxidermy.
Can’t link it, at aonmag.com:
> The change actually affects possession of the game by someone other than the hunter, but the hunter must fill out the paperwork.
6. NSSF shoots down report on “lead-tainted” game meat.
> It’s hunting season and that means it’s also time for the pseudo-science cautionary news articles claiming traditional ammunition is a health threat. Don’t believe them.
7. DC: Antis suing to stop opening of fed lands to hunting/fishing.
Not really surprised….
8. NE: Bowmars charged in poaching case.
Remember: Charged does not equal proven and post says they are pleading not guilty:
> The OH couple is well-known for their collective bowhunting success, online videos, and physical fitness training programs.
9. SE Deer Study Group to be held remotely.
> It’s the largest annual gathering of whitetail researchers in the nation, where scientists, college professors and students, state agency wildlife biologists and other deer managers gather to share recent research and discuss important issues.
10. Ammo shortage should be coming to an end?
About dang time:
> …spokesmen for Cabela’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods are projecting a flattening of the supply-demand curve and a softening of ammo prices in the 4th quarter of this year. “The surge in firearms and ammunition is clearly winding down,” says Cabela’s CEO Thomas Millner.
11. B&C welcomes gray wolf delisting.
> “The goal of the Endangered Species Act is to recover imperiled species so they no longer require the protections offered by the Act, and the gray wolf is a good example of how a species can be recovered.”
12. Whitetailz Unlimited will send you free targets.
To help you sight-in.
13. 10-yr-old ME gal is a legit hunter!
Raised right!
> Since she started hunting at age 6, Laurelai has shot 5 whitetail deer, 2 black bears, a caribou in AK, and nearly a dozen wild turkeys.
It’s Time to Stop Managing Our Wildlands for Hunters First
From backpacker.com. Well, logging, fire and hunting are all important for the health of the land, and hunters PAY (through excise taxes and such) for wildlife management while backpackers don’t pay much of anything so….
And if you think there’s more backpackers than hunters, go right ahead and prove it dude!
1. Hunter got his buck through Facebook.
Sorta…props to Tolman Burbage for using FB to find the hunter — William Dickerson — who shot it. Tolman was fishing and found the dead deer on a riverbank. The SC Post & Courier says he knew what he had to do:
> Tolman took several photos and posted them on the Facebook group South Carolina Deer Hunters, asking if anyone knew the person who had shot the deer.
> Tolman: “I got in contact with the guy who thought it was his deer and he described to me how it was shot. Then he told me where he had shot it location-wise and it was only a few hundred yards away from where I found it.”
> William: “It was pretty awesome that he found my deer. That was my first buck with a bow. I was pretty heartbroken when we lost the blood trail. I had seen it in my dreams and nightmares ever since I shot it, over and over.”
2. 214″ in OH posted by @ohiotrophybucks!
Missed this one a few weeks back — dang that’s a nice deer:
3. Does a 3-legged deer cost less to process??
Lol never seen this before — you?
New Stuff
1. Check out First Lite’s new Specter camo pattern.
Supposed to be optimized for whitetail treestand hunting:
> …nature-based algorithm to create large-shape disruption for whitetail hunters. This distorts and hides the human body…small-medium texture disruption effectively blends the hunter into their surroundings at close engagement distances and angles specific to the whitetail hunter.
2. Good lookin’ new Buck Compadre knives are out.
> The full-tang 5160 spring steel goes through the entire 9.5″ knife, giving it excellent shock absorption and strength you can rely on. Made in the USA too.
3. SEVR Robusto x-bow broadheads leave a BIG hole.
> Weighs an FOC-boosting 150 grains for increased accuracy and momentum. Utilizes a 2″ cut-diameter Max-Cut 2.0 blade.
4. Get ridda stanky rooms with Scent Crusher Room Clean.
Might be good for certain rooms at camp (lol):
> Whether it’s in your closet or mudroom at home or the hunting cabin in the hills, the Room Clean will effortlessly remove odors and leave your space fresh and clean.
Gear of the Week
Wicked Ridge Rampage 360: lotta x-bow, low price.
If you didn’t know, Wicked Ridge is the budget alternative to sister brand TenPoint. Where TenPoint pushes the limit with high speeds and new technologies, Wicked Ridge is where these proven features wind up after a couple years. So maybe don’t consider them budget x-bows, more like a real good buy if you’re on a budget.
Buckmasters took a look at the Rampage 360:
> “The new Rampage 360 is the best x-bow available for under $500. What truly separates this x-bow from its competitors is its built-in cocking device, American-built quality, and out-of-the-box accuracy.”
> The Rampage’s unique stock design, engineered to lighten the x-bow and improve handling, includes a built-in ACUdraw cocking device that reduces the force required to cock the x-bow to only 5 lbs or ACUdraw 50 cocking device that reduces the draw weight by 50%.
> Its narrow 175-lb bow assembly is built for success in tight hunting situations and consists of a lightweight riser and machined aluminum limb pockets fitted with 11″ WRX laminated limbs. The Rampage measures a narrow 15″ wide and drives arrows down-range up to a blazing 360 fps.
> The Rampage’s stock features a picatinny rail below the front of the barrel to mount additional accessories. Finally, like all Wicked Ridge x-bows, the stock is fitted with TenPoint’s DFI (Dry-Fire-Inhibitor) and ultra-crisp 3.5-lb trigger.
Starts at $459.99 — a reasonable number!
Tip of the Week
5 rut myths.
Some interesting myth-bustin’ goin’ on over at Field & Stream. Turns out a bunch of what we’ve heard over the years ain’t true…at least not all the time:
> Myth #1: The peak rut is the best time to take a buck. Bucks are actually most mobile and vulnerable just prior to the most-intense breeding activity, during the 7- to 10-day-long seeking-and-chasing phase of the rut.
> Myth #2: Rutting bucks are impossible to pattern. Larger bucks especially, which travel less than immature ones, will almost never be far from the females. So, just as you might set up near a rub line during the early season, now you need to find the does and stay close by.
> Myth #3: When the action is over, the rut is over. When a buck senses that a doe is coming into estrus, he chases her into an area of remote or rugged cover where other bucks are less likely to find her. Once there, he’ll “tend” the doe — that is, mate with and stay near her — until she no longer accepts him. In the meantime, the pair moves very little.
> Myth #4: You might as well stay home during the post-rut. We rattled to deer during 3 specific periods: just prior to peak breeding, during peak breeding, and for several weeks after. While the number of responses in the post-breeding period wasn’t as high, the deer that responded were much more likely to be mature.
> Myth #5: The primary rut lasts about a month. This is nature’s plan, as a whitetail does have a roughly 28-day estrous cycle. But when doe numbers get out of control, which is a problem in many areas, the rut can last far longer than that.
Good stuff to remember but…takes away some excuses for not seeing deer lol!
Quote of the Week
“I look at that text every day. It simply states, ‘I fell.'”
– MO hunter Tim Peters talkin’ about the time he fell from his treestand. More:
> “It wasn’t an accident. It was negligence on my part — pure and simple.”
> …was always a safe hunter. He had faithfully worn a safety harness when he hunted from a tree stand. That morning, he had agreed to meet a friend at 5:45 am…but he was running a little late and forgot the harness. When he realized his mistake he didn’t want to inconvenience his friend, so he didn’t turn around.
> “Looking up at that stand hanging there, with the platform straight down against the tree, I shook my head and thought, ‘You knew better, and yet you still did this.’ That’s why I don’t call it an accident because I did not follow my own rules. Now I want to make sure others don’t make my mistake.”
Thank you deer brother! Sounds like he’s doing pretty well thanks to at least 1 miracle, being in great shape when it happened and some serious rehab.
What’s the DB and who does it??
The DeerBlaster is a weekly roundup of the best, worst and funniest stuff about whitetail deer hunting culled from around the interwebz. We were kinda doing it already, just not the blastin’ it into your inbox part….
It’s put together by some deer nerds — Ted, Jay, Wade, couple more — from around the country. We excerpt content (and credit EVERYONE!), comment on content, do some original content — it’s an internet thing…. We do it because we can’t get enough deer hunting, hopefully you’re wired the same.
The DeerBlaster’s a work in progress, just like we are. Let us know what we can do better and thanks for readin’! Any issues, suggestions, whatever, just hit Reply to this email and we’ll get it. Thank you!
Sign up another deer nut!
If you’re forwarding the DeerBlaster to other deer crackheads, tx much! Or you can email us the addys and we’ll take care of it! We’ll never send spam, sell the list or anything else crazy…. And follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @deerblaster.official
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If you’re interested in learning more about the DeerBlaster and how we do things, just respond to this email and we’ll get in touch — thank you!